Now, than any other time in America since slavery, has it been more prevalent to know our history. To know who we are when facing adversity. To know our rich culture and the strength that has permeated from it. Although, we've seen this climate before, it is with less information about ourselves that creates the greater threat. It is the dropping of the torch that has allowed us to be disconnected from our path which has lead us down this familiar road of racism. And with "divide and conquer" still the main game of the playbook, we cannot afford to allow our heritage to be streamlined into a his-story without our story speaking Truth to Power. History gives us a foundation that we can stand strong upon as a unified front. Unity is a powerful tool to help forge towards our GOD given rights. History helps us to understand the bloodlines connected within our DNA of who we are. If we do not know that from which we came, how shall we know which paths to take as not to repeat itself.
Now, today, at this moment, will be tomorrows history and unless we stand together, we will fall apart.
Although our African American history cannot be contained within the 28 to 29 days shortest month of the year, it is imperative that we take advantage of the platform to reintroduce ourselves to each other including ourselves again. This upcoming Black History month is a time for us to reflect, reenergize and recharge.