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Black "Empowerment" Friday


Black "Empowerment" Friday

Okay, it's like this.  There are several ways to protest for and on Black Friday.  Only you know what's good for you and your family.  What's good for me and mines right now is this option:

Shop Smart On Black Friday. Show them how Smart we Black Friday shoppers are and can be.  To don't underestimate the Black Consumer. The below product/service listing is derived from research highlighted in blog "The Billionaire Boys Club" (BBC)11/20/16 featuring Trumped billionaire supporters and their empires on (BRW&B)

So, BRW&B's Action Call is this, let's show the BBC's that we cannot and will not be bought and sold back into slavery.  Let them know just as they have prospered, so have we, more than just financially, but spiritually and mentally.  We've become empowered by building from the very depths and core of the soils of the foundation in which America stands as one of the most powerful, influential countries in the world.  How we've prospered when we realized that we could become President of the United States of America, not only once, but twice in a row and we Will not allow anyone take that right from us, nor our generations to come.

We are not asking that you not shop and get those deals that you've been struggling so hard to have the money you need to give your children the Christmas you never had. Or that deal on that computer your son or daughter may have needed since the semester started back in September.  We get it. We're just asking that you Shop Smart.  Shop Consciously.  You Shop Black on Friday and show your Buying Power

Do not use nor purchase any of the Trumped sponored products/services below.  In addition, BRW&B is calling to boycott the news media that got Trumped elected, by not watching them for the 24 hr Black Friday 2016 day.  Instead, we encourage you to watch TV One's, News One Now and those in the Washington DC metro, Democracy Now on WHUT and for out of the area, your local PBS listing.  Although a fan of Rachael Maddow and O'Donnell, MSNBC will have to be included in the top 5 networks that were instruemental in slanting the truth through propaganda and sensationalism. 

Number One! FOX News

2.  CNN


4.  CBS

5.  ABC

While time searching for news, check out Color of Change, the nation’s largest online racial justice organization.  Rashad Robinson, Executive Director and his team have created change through social media campaigns and support of hundreds of thousands of supporters against systematic; institutionalized; corporate; media and/or any other egregious acts of racism, inequality and religious intolerance.

Color of Change mission Statement:  "We help people respond effectively to injustice in the world around us. As a national online force driven by over one million members, we move decision-makers in corporations and government to create a more human and less hostile world for Black people in America.

Our campaigns and initiatives win changes that matter. By designing strategies powerful enough to fight racism and injustice—in politics and culture, in the work place and the economy, in criminal justice and community life, and wherever they exist—we are changing both the written and unwritten rules of society. We mobilize our members to end practices and systems that unfairly hold Black people back, and champion solutions that move us all forward.

Until justice is real."

Please, at the very least, on Black Friday go to to see their campaigns, where you can take a stand sitting on your couch watching football, with just a click of a button signing a petition. Click Click. That Easy, that Quick and that Empowering.  

One thing that We are asking everyone to do on Black Friday, go on Our 44th President of the United States of America Barack Hussein Obama II websites and check out, then copy and paste, his legacy before its erased, or lost or comes up missing or is destroyed. The following one being the official site: and copy and paste, so there are no errors, all of the accomplishments, laws and legislature, clean air energy for the benefit of our Beautiful Country.  Look at what great things he has done for America here and the World.  Copy and paste.  then look at His legacy and embed it in your heart and mind. Copy and paste.  Then pass on the information from where you felt it safe to store. Do not allow this of our History and heritage to be tainted, revised, removed from American history.  Please copy and paste His-Story. 

Let's Together make Black "Empowerment" Friday.

The following list consist of business, products and services not to purchase nor use on Black "Empowerment" Friday.


TD Ameritrade

Chicago Cubs



Family Dollar

Canadian energy company Talisman Energy


Autoparts maker Federal-Mogul Holdings Corp

liquid-natural gas company Cheniere Energy and gold and copper producer Freeport-McMoRan


Georgia Pacific Consumer Products: 

Angel Soft, Dixie, Brawny, Quilted Northern, Sparkle, Vanity Fair






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