I'M Bbbbaaaccckkkkk!!! Black and Back with a little poetry after a slight hiatus.

picture credits/links: "Runaway Slave"
Punishments of South Carolina
Run nigga run…
We got you by the gun
We taking away your sons
So you can’t breathe again
Hide nigga hide
We got you blindsided
Racked up like cows hyde
Branded with bloodstains
Go nigga go
We don’t want you here no mo’
Get the f out the doe
Stop peeking thru our window panes
Cease nigga cease
No justice no peace
The new law of the land and streets
And you better not complain
Bleed nigga bleed
Got you wounded by our greed
Bite of our appleseed
Filling you with pain
Die nigga die
No longer multiplied
Your seMens we deny
Lynching of your brains
You see...
We can’t allow you to exist
No matter how hard you insist
No matter how long you resist
We will not desist
For we are your enemy
To disrupt your destiny
By all and any means
"You can never be let free,
From America’s slavery
You will never be free
Of American slavery!"
The above are the words they chant
Like a rabid dog they pant
Trying to stop you before they can’t
And they die out like a weeded plant
That Blackness they trying wipe off
Is a blood stain on their washcloth
Want just a touch from your skin’s edge
To cover up the red necks
That define their soul
Afraid they aint going grow
Life for them is ending slow
When color will white wash the land
Where all mankind stands
So understand where the fear stems from
The hatred comes from
Talking action where they can’t
Fear and hatred is their stance
Rooted in racism as a foundation
Divided by color lines of a plantation
Separating us from our selves
Taking food from our babies mouths
Feeding them lies of food for thought
Lies upon lies are what are children are taught
Because they know from which they came
Africa our motherhood is the same
Way warders and wanderers across the land
Before they die out taking all they can
And Africa will stand and unite as one
Across the land, We Will All Be One under the Sun
The African Diaspora will rise again
As the One and Only Original Man