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"The Meltdown of Humanity in Aleppo."

A meltdown of humanity.

That was the most truthful statement made by a media network that spoke of the now, although they were respectfully describing a different storyline of the murderous genocide that Russia's ruthless forces are imploding upon the civilians of Aleppo including innocent children and women. Russia.

Russia the word before; during and after the election. Russia, whose connections to our cabinet financially surpasses the $500 billion of what was revealed to us. Whose depths of relationships that run deep are reflective within the appointments of our cabinet, the American cabinet, members. Russia; that triumphantly celebrated and applauded the election of trumped, like he was their prodigy son coming back home from the America's.

As we unravel the truths of trumped Big Apples of lies and see where his seeds lie, be diligent in hearing what is being said, so you can listen to and for what is not.

The big story that was to come out today, as exposed by Rachael Maddow last night on MSNBC, was Turkey, trumped and conspiracy exposed in an article that was to be published this morning, 12/13/16 by Newsweek. A report that would make Scarface or the Mafia movies small fries in power, greed, scandal, corruption and conspiracy. But no, CNN is not going to focus on that with MSNBC of the a.m., not far behind. So, this is trumped at its best covering up the very truths, by dangling his Black Marketing strategies today.

Squeezed in between as comic relief, after the Exxon Mobil Tillerson game card, was Kanye West and Condi Rice support. Actually, it was quite comical, as the news media laughed "... I don't think Kanye was there to get an appointment." Actually, he did get an appointment. As trumped played his hand holding up his minstral act and stated, "...he's, my friend. We've been friends for years." giving West the 15 minutes of time appointed to his Black "friend". 15 minutes of fame and in that moment Kanye took it to make only one statement, "I just want to get a picture." There is tragedy in that entire meltdown scene, but is far more insignificant to what they were trying to cover up. Kanye was really just an advertising unit to the world, "Look who I got on sale," Can I get a bid, 100, 200 , 3? Oh over here $500 billion dollars to the highest bidder...going once, going twice, going to Putin, by way of Tillerson with the endorsement of Condi.

Almost each and every cabinet member whom has been appointed to protect and govern an agency, is in direct opposition or has wanted to " away with", (as Ex-Governor Rick Perry previously stated of the Education and even his "forgotten" Energy department) that very same agency they have been trumped to. There are no mistakes about it's calculated stance it is announcing, projecting to us all.  A metaphoric destruction of life as we know it through this overtly disruptive and violent form of government takeover.  Violent in the sense that what has occurred in progression, over the last 8 years will be violently revoked by the newly appointed overseers of policy, procedures and policing of America. Welcome to the new conquests of the Cold War factions that are unthreading itself from the very forms of government that has semmed them together to become the super powers they currently are.

A meltdown of humanity.

Ok, here it is. Here's today's biggest news even over all the above as reported by Newsweek, today.




ON 12/13/16 AT 6:50 AM


The president-elect is issuing statements to world leaders that radically depart from U.S. foreign policy, and benefit his family’s corporate empire.


Donald Trump’s Businesses Abroad Expose Him To Bribery And Blackmail

Donald Trump hasn’t been sworn in yet, but he is already making decisions and issuing statements to world leaders that radically depart from American foreign policy, all to the benefit of his family’s corporate empire. Because of this, the next president of the United States is already vulnerable to undue influence by other nations, including through bribery and even blackmail.

Given the vast scope of the clashes between the Trumps’ extensive business dealings and the interests of America, the president-elect vowed during the campaign to eliminate potential conflicts by severing ties to his company—yet, with only weeks to go until he takes the oath of office, he hasn’t laid out a credible plan. Trump’s sole suggestion to date—a “blind trust” run by his children—would not eliminate the conflicts, given that the money generated would still go to his family. Moreover, such a trust would be anything but blind: If Trump Tower Moscow goes under construction, Trump will see it while in Russia and know that his kids are making millions of dollars from it. That is why foreign leaders hoping to curry favor will do everything they can to help Trump’s family erect more buildings, sell more jewelry and make money through any means possible. Even if the family steps away from its company while Trump is president, every nation on Earth will know that doing business with the Trump Organization will one day benefit the family. The only way to eliminate the conflicts—sell the company, divvy up the proceeds—has been rejected by Trump, whose transition team refused to respond to any questions from Newsweek for this article.

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