America, This Land is My Land too...
& Blue

"This General has dominated the situation room even in his silence. He's intelligent, brave, strategic and more than qualified 40 year Army pick to fulfill the position of Secretary of Defense. Other than the Fact that he is Black, there is no reason to hold him back."
If the Democrats are not behind him, then you know their racial counterparts won't be either. For Race trumps everything in America. humpty dumpty trumpty was the only fool volunteering
Democrats signal early opposition to Biden's pick to run Pentagon
But their resistance to providing retired Army Gen. Lloyd Austin with a waiver isn't likely to sink his nomination.
"Reading and seeing this, one would assume that this was Nov. 1, 1963 & not 2020. I’m telling you, Tulsa, Ok could happen today. Identify Rich Black neighborhoods in the south and watch those spaces."
Peaceful march to the polls in NC is met with police pepper spray and arrests, causing outcry on eve of election
The episode in Alamance County capped a half-year of protests over the killing of George Floyd and showed how the movement for racial justice has reshaped the presidential contest.
Read in The Washington Post: https://apple.news/A5T7wzXdLRrii3sOjznub-g
"Watch federal trumped judicial appointees on Monday."
Texas Supreme Court rejects Republican effort to toss nearly 127K votes
A handful of GOP activists and candidates had asked the state's highest civil court to rule Harris County's drive-thru voting locations illegal and invalidate votes that have already been cast. The challenge has also been filed in federal court.
Read in The Texas Tribune: https://apple.news/AOvGb6ssFRMG_rH9KHWTmyw
“...including many who need them most.” Mostly Black folks, correct?
Millions Still Haven’t Gotten Stimulus Checks, Including Many Who Need Them Most
As many as 12 million Americans didn’t get their stimulus payment. Usually it’s because their income was too low. Here’s what they can do: Apply through the government’s glitchy platform (if they even qualify), and do so before Nov. 21.
Read in ProPublica:
"That’s why he’s been so successful with the courts, especially the appeals court. Fill the courts and we’ll make sure they’ll protect you. This is blatantly biases in our judicial system."
U.S. appeals court upends Minnesota plan to extend deadline for receiving ballots
A federal appeals court on Thursday said Minnesota's plan to count absentee ballots received after Election Day was illegal, siding with Republicans in the battleground state.
Read in Reuters: https://apple.news/AjhNW_-pqStyoKPKhHfbW0Q
Power to the People
An all-Black group is arming itself and demanding change. They are the NFAC
When two loud bangs rang out on the streets of Lafayette, Louisiana, no one knew where the gunshots came from as protesters gathered to demand justice for another Black man killed by police.
Read in CNN: https://apple.news/AdkrzWRmZQzqgRqCrCJAYUg
The hoax of the Big Black Predator of So-called innocent fake White Woman.
White woman who called 911 on Black birdwatcher made 2nd call saying he tried to assault her
Amy Cooper initially called 911 reporting that Christian Cooper had threatened her, and in a second call claimed that he tried to assault her, authorities said.
Read in NBC News: https://apple.news/AZwZ6_juKRguFeIWUzjDHmQ
"This right here is f’n Outrageous!"
The Supreme Court Is Allowing The Trump Administration To End The Census Count Early
Justice Sonia Sotomayor was the only member of the court who wrote a dissent, saying the "harms associated with an inaccurate census are avoidable and intolerable."
Read in BuzzFeed News: https://apple.news/AWthuW17EQoqJ_lX2NKYwhQ
"...by allowing any percentage that doesn't allow a whole perspective is a deviated one."
The Politics Of Hair: From Michelle Obama's Silhouette To The CROWN Act
Textured hair is embroiled in hairy politics. The CROWN Act has the power to end it.
Read in STYLECASTER: https://apple.news/ALPW-2tQMSUOLLMncdjF81w
"...BLM political currency."
But guess what, she received more support when she took that stance. We have to look out for that silent majority (well electorates) who voted him in. Those ones that secretly help finance opponents to the Black movement. The ones who claimed they weren’t happy with humpty dumpty (hd) trumpty, but behind the curtains voted for him anyway. The silent white friends who had no response when you were chastising HD trumpty over some new horrid thing he had said or done.
Why Kelly Loeffler Probably Didn't Mind Being Disrupted by Black Lives Matter Protesters
If you’re a Georgia Republican running for re-election, slamming Black Lives Matter is potent political currency.
Read in The Root: https://apple.news/Aqv1eDcMPRFa3KMwbXVM5KA
See, racism is prevalent even in your local politics.
State: Lawmaker advocated burning Black Lives Matter houses
A New Hampshire lawmaker is being investigated over a Facebook post that advocated for burning and looting houses displaying Black Lives Matter signs
Read in ABC News: https://apple.news/AL8c1Pl67Ty-uvwCRZbQxBw
A 60-year-old Black man was shot and killed by a Georgia trooper. The officer has been denied bond.
Screven County’s chief judge denied Gordon Thompson's motion for bond on Friday in connection to his fatal shooting of Julian Lewis in early August.
Read in USA TODAY: https://apple.news/AQ7Sqy5HsSzCMla5WnGZojQ
A Florida ‘antifa hunter’ violently threatened a BLM activist. Now he’s going to prison for three years.
Daniel McMahon, 32, was sentenced to more than three years in prison for terrorizing and harassing people online who disagreed with his white supremacist ideology.
Read in The Washington Post: https://apple.news/A_Uu1dWE2SdmFXbjHftHl8w
African Muslims in Early America | National Museum of African American History and Culture
Islam has been a piece of the American religious fabric since the first settlers arrived in North America.
NewsOneNow: Really, Ohio Cop Blames John Crawford III For His Own Shooting Death?
The Ohio police officer who killed John Crawford III in 2014 recently said the slain man was responsible for his own death. Sean Williams, a White officer in the Dayton suburb of Beavercreek, believed Crawford posed an “imminent threat” when he fatally shot the 22 year old in a Walmart store after a 911 call about a brandished rifle on August 5, 2014, The Associated Press reported.
NewsOneNow: Graphic: Alabama Teenager Brutally Beaten By Police Officers And The Family Is Demanding Answers
An Alabama family is looking for answers after 17-year-old Ulysses Wilkerson was brutally beaten by police officers. According to WKRG, the teenager was arrested on Sunday, December 23, and hours later he ended up at University of Alabama Medical Center with severe injuries. Witnesses claimed, “Officers saw Wilkerson coming around the corner of a building in downtown Troy. When they tried to speak to him, he fled leading to a foot chase that ended here, on Madison Street. One witness said she saw officers surrounding Wilkerson who appeared to be unconscious.”
Even With Affirmative Action, Blacks and Hispanics Are More Underrepresented
at Top Colleges Than 35 Years Ago
What Jewish Children Learned From Charlottesville
When Jack Daniel’s Failed to Honor a Slave, an Author Rewrote History
By CLAY RISENAUG. 15, 2017
This Is What Hunger Looks Like — Again
Department of Justification
Stephen Bannon and Jeff Sessions, the new attorney general, have long shared a vision for remakingAmerica. Now the nation’s top law-enforcement agency can serve as a tool for enacting it.
“He was A Law Abiding Citizen...” explained a grieve stricken Mother on the senseless murder of her son, shot in the Back Three times. That’s what today has brought us to, back three generations to the Jim Crow era, where it was legal to continue to disparage, depress and destroy our young Black Men.
Feds to investigate after Ohio deputy killed a Black man entering his own home
A sheriff's deputy working for a fugitive task force shot and killed a Black man trying to enter his own home in Columbus, Ohio, last week in a case that is now being investigated by federal authorities.
"It doesn't matter if we're Law Abiding or a Patriot, Upstanding or Professional, because of the simple fact of the color of our skin, We Will Always be a threat to white supremcy and privilege."
Read in CNN 12/08/20: https://apple.news/AwGMKzD2lR0uZ6kjG7G-HyQ
"What the “F” is potential missing. If a parent reports their child missing, it’s not f’n potential, it’s actual."
'One of Charles' parents notified Baldwin police of his potential disappearance on Oct. 30, the sheriff's office said. One of his parents notified the Iberia Parish Sheriff's Office on Nov. 3, and Charles was found several hours later, officials said.'
"Oh yeah, I get it, they don't want to expose that he was last seen with his white friend and his friends mom during the time he was “potentially” reported missing. I’ve never heard of such a phrase used for a parent police report of a missing child. Funny, how words are juxtaposed to favor the purveyor."
Video shows missing Black teen alone near where his body was later found: Officials
The sheriff's office shared new details in the case, citing "public interest."
Read in ABC News:
"Truth to Power. She went as far as she could go without referencing a 21st century new source of genocide, aligned with economical affects that can bury us deep in the south back into slavery type of tactics. From ObamaCare to trumpedon'tcare or don't give a "F", as long as its fulfilling his agenda to the end. There's a reason why over 60% of White people voted for him again with an additional 5 million more people to his cult following. That's close to 1/2 of this country and 3/4 of the White empowered Americans. Buyer BEWARE."
Why Trump doesn't care about controlling Covid
Opinion by Karen Bass
Updated 0630 GMT (1430 HKT) November 2, 2020
(CNN)In the eight months since the Covid-19 pandemic exploded across the United States, more than 9 million Americans have been infected and more than 230,000 have died, according to Johns Hopkins University. Yet President Donald Trump still doesn't have a science-based plan to bring the virus under control.
Why Trump doesn't care about controlling Covid (Opinion) - CNN
"The hatred is blatant, rampant, and exceedingly dangerous.
FBI investigating alleged harassment of Biden campaign bus
The FBI is investigating the alleged harassment of a Joe Biden campaign bus last week by motorists displaying Trump 2020 flags, an FBI spokesperson confirmed Sunday.
Read in CNN Politics: https://apple.news/AwT-zjKqSTouOB1tFtr-o0g
"I bet you in the mostly Black areas, the Black student population. I'd like to see the data when available."
50,000 students are gone from Arizona public schools. Where did they go?
Early numbers show that Arizona's school enrollment has dropped 5% between this school year and the end of last, and kindergarten enrollment is down by 14%.
Read in USA TODAY: https://apple.news/Ar_kgNygiT_6R54T2UYy6vQ
How much more proof do you need America!? Words of an entitled Son of a Convicted Tax-evading Fraudster SlumLord, 666 Headquartered Apathetic "...his people are going to suffer and that’s their problem.” Narcissistic Rascist is complaining? That's like a perpetrator downplaying a victims screams.
To Jared Kushner, Black Americans' grappling with inequality, racism is 'complaining'
Kushner said Trump's policies "can help people break out of the problems that they're complaining about, but he can't want them to be successful more than they want to be successful."
Read in NBC News: https://apple.news/ADrFm9y5cRwa61BXvM_NO2g
“Amen to that! Grabbing the baton of justice and running forward towards your finish line.”
The remarkable story of how a teenage runner battled the legacy of Robert E. Lee
After the death of George Floyd, Trude Lamb, a cross country star in Tyler, Texas, refused to compete for her high school, Robert E. Lee, unless it changed its name.
Read in ESPN: https://apple.news/A8zF2iZeWTrusjkhQhllGWA
The goal of racist white supremacy racism is becoming part of the mainstream including law enforcement to enforce their agenda lawfully and ultimately legally.
Sheriff spoke in defense of accused domestic terrorists
Local Sheriff Dar Leaf said the alleged plot against Michigan's governor could be legal if it was to arrest her, not kidnap her.
Read in CNN: https://apple.news/A2Yn3JgG6RvuQmnMN6jmk7g
"The devastating affects of climate change denial."
UN warns that world risks becoming 'uninhabitable hell' for millions
There has been a "staggering" rise in natural disasters over the past 20 years and the climate crisis is to blame, the United Nations said Monday.
Read in CNN: https://apple.news/Anb4tkBxzTZeamEzng7pecg
"That’s not quite true. We never abandon our churches."
The Church’s Black Exodus
Pastors’ silence on racism and COVID-19 is driving Black parishioners away from their congregations.
Read in The Atlantic: https://apple.news/AjnotqifeTSGk1UsMqVKfxg
"The Power of a Word."
How powerful is a word. It is so powerful it can build kingdoms and bring down empires. Establish a relationship, and destroy a family. It can be the difference between right and wrong, Love and hate. There is no physical object that can compete with the powerful affects and effects that a word can produce. We are all affected by the power of the word. "I Love You." "I can't stand you." The emotion that both of those phrases conjures and invokes, can climb the highest mountain or drown in the depths of the sea. We are All affected by the power of the word. There are of some of us who speak words and others who follow. It depends on whose at the beginning and receiving ends to see how the word game is played.
By injecting these inflammatory words in alignment with anti-racism and patriotism, places words on top of others, covering up the truth with lies. And any words of impropriety can become the propaganda fed to the masses.
The words of a liar spoke loud enough and long enough becomes one's truth.
This trumped administration can kill two birds with one stone; eliminate yet another Obama legislation from his legacy and accomplishments, while also creating a racist proliferation thru words..."a sickness" "anti-American propaganda"
Trump eliminates federal anti-racism training, calling it “a sickness”
A White House memo directing an end to the programs said the trainings are "anti-American propaganda" and must stop.
Read in Vox: https://apple.news/A2h8bHribQQiqKWyVsYYqDw
A Walking Puke
A racist in the White House regurgitated there by the Republicans hatred that fermented over the two terms of his administration with a projectile to reverse, deregulate and dismantle anything and everything President Obama did, to tarnish his legacy and erase his accomplishments.
White House directs federal agencies to halt some race-related trainings
The directive targets training on "white privilege" or "critical race theory."
Read in ABC News: https://apple.news/Asd8ETnd_Q7SsqcoR5cV3jg
Black woman harassed by white passenger on Delta flight praises company for response
"I just thank God that this didn’t flip onto me because too many cases Black people are guilty until proven innocent," Demetria Poe wrote in a Facebook post.
Read in NBC News: https://apple.news/ADFbNdVuVTEm5CjQ97crs-g
The Tricks of the Trade
(the post Slave trade, that is)
The n'ers are coming in a neighborhood near you to get your Lily white women
Trump Plays on Racist Fears of Terrorized Suburbs to Court White Voters - The New York Times
Clicker Beware!
Being on the internet is like being on Blast! Your movement is documented when you don't even realize it. There's a reason why Data superceded oil as the world's largest and greatest commodity.
Why every website wants you to accept its cookies
Cookies alerts are supposed to improve our privacy online. But are they?
Read in Vox: https://apple.news/AkcubRGkcScGb44oP-ML_5A
It's just too suspicious of having these hanging of Black men being deemed as suicide; when family and friends deny such vulnerability. Something that needs to watched and researched to see just how wide this phenomena is. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/06/13/california-officials-probe-2-separate-hanging-deaths-black-men/3185833001/
THIS MUTHAF'ER! You will not control Our Children!
You tell a lie loud enough and long enough and it becomes ones truth.
That’s his advertising strategy, also being leaked on Sunday after the Friday where they try to drop a bomb.
Doctored images have become a fact of life for political campaigns. When they’re disproved, believers ‘just don’t care.’
Viral online disinformation is being used to inflame a politician's base and vilify their enemies: "There’s a shared form of apathy in some cases for the fact that it was manipulated at all.”
Read in The Washington Post: https://apple.news/A7O6guCsQQK--LlTzQ5_lfw
Todays, humpty dumpty trumpty version of Nixons's Cointelpro.
Baltimore is among the seven cities targeted by the Trump administration for a high-tech “surge” in police penetration of Black communities.
“Increased militarization of police departments leads to increased numbers of civilians murdered by police.”
At the end of October, during the International Association of Chiefs of Police conference in Chicago, President Trump announced , “In coming weeks, Attorney General Barr will announce a new crackdown on violent crime—which I think is so important—targeting gangs and drug traffickers in high crime cities and dangerous rural areas.”

“You are doing this all wrong,” she wrote in a tweet meant for Amtrak officials.
As Ifill described the events in real time, her followers took umbrage — and pointed to what they clearly saw as painful echoes.
Rosa Parks’ refusal to give up her seat on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama, in 1955 is considered a turning point in the civil rights movement, and the fact that this incident happened on the cusp of Martin Luther King Jr. weekend only deepened the irony for some.

BAR Book Forum: Annette Joseph-Gabriel’s “Reimagining Liberation”
When fascism was on the march Black women intellectuals and activists imagined, and struggled for, a new world.
“Black women are political protagonists, not secondary characters in global movements.”
In this series, we ask acclaimed authors to answer five questions about their book. This week’s featured author is Annette Joseph-Gabriel . Dr. Joseph-Gabriel is an Assistant Professor of French and Francophone Studies at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Her book is Reimagining Liberation: How Black Women Transformed Citizenship in the French Empire.

Trump wants to change water standards for sinks, showers and dishwashers
In December, President Trump discussed his hopes to change water standards for sinks, showers and other household appliances during roundtables and rallies.
Read in NBC News: https://apple.news/Ae0rmGgIqQ5qjilJih0_G1g
Donald Trump said on Friday that he had directed the Environmental Protection Agency to look at opening up water standards. During a small business roundtable at the White House, Trump said water pressure was an issue, citing faucets and sinks, showers, and even toilets. 'People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times as opposed to once. They end up using more water. So EPA is looking at that very strongly, at my suggestion,' Trump said. Subscribe to Guardian News on YouTube ► http://bit.ly/guardianwiressub Trump says people 'flush the toilet 10 times' and seeks solution ► https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2
FBI warns of ‘New Black Panther Party’
leader inciting violence in Ferguson

Trump wants to change water standards for sinks, showers and dishwashers
In December, President Trump discussed his hopes to change water standards for sinks, showers and other household appliances during roundtables and rallies.
Read in NBC News: https://apple.news/Ae0rmGgIqQ5qjilJih0_G1g
Read in The Wall Street Journal: The SAT will now give students an “adversity score” to capture their social, economic background
The College Board plans to assign an adversity score to every student who takes the SAT to try to capture their social and economic background, jumping into the debate raging over race and class in college admissions.
Racist 'promposal' sign will lead to 'severe consequences' for Southern California students
The sign said "you are racist but I would give anything for you to go with me to prom," but with capitalized, bolded letters that spelled out the N-word.
Read in NBC News: https://apple.news/AEfxePk_rQ2mAD0J4xQ3VHg
“I don’t want to see him fail”: A firm takes a chance on ex-inmates
Progressive Coating of Chicago, struggling to find good employees in a tight labor market, is turning to people with criminal records. Keeping them on the job sometimes presents heart-rending dilemmas. The boss asks, how many chances are too many?
Read in The Wall Street Journal: https://apple.news/A83k96P9XSn6y1ZKwgJ4whg
Immigrant soldiers now denied U.S. citizenship at higher rate than civilians
Service members report new Defense Department policies have made it impossible to complete background checks, forms needed for US citizenship. Data shows it is now easier to gain citizenship as a civilian than it is as a service member.
Read in Miami Herald: https://apple.news/AcGFu0RthTyqy8CIfQFOPYw
White House declines to sign Christchurch agreement to combat online extremism
The White House will not sign an international agreement to combat online extremism brokered between French and New Zealand officials and top social media companies, amid U.S. concerns that the pact clashes with constitutional protections for free speech.
Read in The Washington Post: https://apple.news/AKMkRFLPCTgCPA5Q1x5PEhg
Officer’s forceful arrest of black woman goes viral after video emerges — now the cop is in big trouble
This doesn't look good for the Miami-Dade officer
Read in TheBlaze: https://apple.news/AIpGIxjUiT-2LUHYjookhHQ
African-American, Native American and Alaska Native women are about three times more likely to die from causes related to pregnancy, compared to white women in the United States.
At bottom of article is a letter to the editor that often gets published.
Here's a story from The New York Times that I thought you'd find interesting:
Whether he “looks” black or not, I’ll be glad to claim him.
A newly surfaced cellphone video shows Ms. Bland’s own view of the Texas traffic stop that preceded her death of an apparent suicide in jail.
A progressive push, fueled by newly energized activists, has alienated the old guard of black leaders, igniting an internal battle with racial overtones.
Backed by American and Mideast hard-liners, President Trump is considering a terrorist designation for the Islamist movement that other allies consider a legitimate political force.
A dire United Nations report, based on thousands of scientific studies, paints an urgent picture of biodiversity loss and finds that climate change is amplifying the danger to humanity.
South Africa's Ramaphosa Urges Patience in Corruption Battle
Corruption anger dents faith in South Africa's president
California's CROWN Act seeks to end racial discrimination based on hairstyles
California legislators moved forward a bill that would prohibit discrimination based on natural hairstyles associated with race such as afros.
Read in USA TODAY: https://apple.news/AGRN5_Ai-S0yHR6oCRmwP-A
John Singleton to be taken off life support weeks after suffering stroke
The director, 51, who was nominated for an Academy Award for "Boyz n the Hood," in a medically-induced coma since stroke April 17.
Read in NBC News: https://apple.news/ABeninW2gTLeqOunCe9oHXw
Nipsey Hussle Was Building the 'Economic Version of Black Lives Matter'
May 08, 2019 Nipsey Hussle, known for his extensive work in bettering the lives of those closest to him, was working with partners toward the establishment of "the economic version of Black Lives Matter." The comparison was made in a Los Angeles Times piece Wednesday featuring comments from real estate developer David Gross, who worked with Nipsey on the Our Opportunity community investment fund. "[Nipsey] wanted to be a symbol and really spark a movement," Gross said. "Basically, it was the
Read in Complex: https://apple.news/AhvktUpkHQfWuiuyjt2DSaQ
T.I. Launches Precious Chapman Scholarship Fund to Honor His Late Sister
May 08, 2019 T.I.'s close relationship with his sister Antoinette "Precious" Harris Chapman was well documented. As a result, the rapper has decided to keep the memory of his late sister alive by establishing a scholarship program to honor a woman who he says was "a pivotal part of [his] development." On Wednesday, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that Tip has teamed up with VH1 and the United Negro College Fund to launch the Precious Chapman Scholarship Fund. T.I. first revealed the
Read in Complex: https://apple.news/AgVXlUNwuT96zNeSp1mg3SQ
Backed by American and Mideast hard-liners, President Trump is considering a terrorist designation for the Islamist movement that other allies consider a legitimate political force.
A dire United Nations report, based on thousands of scientific studies, paints an urgent picture of biodiversity loss and finds that climate change is amplifying the danger to humanity.
U.S accuses China of putting millions of minority Muslims in "concentration camps"
The United States accused China on Friday of putting well more than a million minority Muslims in "concentration camps," in some of the strongest U.S. condemnation to date of what it calls Beijing's mass detention of mostly Muslim Uighur minority and other Muslim groups.
Read in Reuters: https://apple.news/Ad8zuDwiuT0yZo839CmNV7g
Of course they had throw in, and 1st at that, but Louis Farrakhan. Really, although I may not agree with his stances on things, to proclaim that they are hateful and dangerous is far fetched and begs for conversation to differ. However, let me research and update before I reiterate.
Facebook bans far-right leaders for being ‘dangerous’
The bans are a sign that the social network is more aggressively enforcing its hate speech policies under pressure from civil rights groups.
Read in The Washington Post: https://apple.news/A8dWpRtfMTEeG_TSSLcROtw
Trust: Research and confirm data relating. They always trying to redirect history. Especially since Murdock bought The Wall Street Journal
Ancient Humans Dwelled at Great Heights, Scientists Find
A fossil jaw discovered in Himalayan highlands of Tibet shows the vanished human species called the Denisovans lived at an altitude that would leave many people today starved for oxygen.
Read in The Wall Street Journal: https://apple.news/ATTnwpWVxQB6pXYr_kghxlw
California's CROWN Act seeks to end racial discrimination based on hairstyles
California legislators moved forward a bill that would prohibit discrimination based on natural hairstyles associated with race such as afros.
Read in USA TODAY: https://apple.news/AGRN5_Ai-S0yHR6oCRmwP-A
John Singleton to be taken off life support weeks after suffering stroke
The director, 51, who was nominated for an Academy Award for "Boyz n the Hood," in a medically-induced coma since stroke April 17.
Read in NBC News: https://apple.news/ABeninW2gTLeqOunCe9oHXw
School adopts dress code for parents and it’s being called discriminatory
The dress code bans satin caps and bonnets, which are commonly worn by black women to protect their hair.
Read in BuzzFeed News: https://apple.news/A4o2AmkFAQSyfy2aCuElkQA
Why are all the lies perpetrated against us...all the time
NOT REAL NEWS: A look at what didn't happen this week
NOT REAL NEWS: A look at what didn't happen this week
Read in ABC News: https://apple.news/AOUgZv39ZQpi-QEPcGV9VQQ
150 Organizations Condemn Trump's Call For Drugs Death Penalty
By David Borden A growing coalition with over 150 organizations as of this writing (140 when release was first done) has condemned President Trump's call to institute the death penalty for drug offenses. A copy of the statement, which was organized by the US-based NGO StoptheDrugWar.org is online here. The statement was submitted to the UN...
Read in Weed News: https://apple.news/AJVC159HEQFCl3pPmWt4KEQ
LeBron James opened an experimental school. It’s showing promise.
The inaugural class of third and fourth graders at the school has posted extraordinary results on its first set of test scores.
Read in The New York Times: https://apple.news/ArrDOYRRmR_OuWY-kdYUGSA
Racism at its Height with "Slanted Truths" "Alternative Facts" = Lies
& Political Domestic Terrorism
ACLU sues U.S. government for separating asylum-seeking families
The case revolves around a Congolese woman who was separated from her 7-year-old daughter in detention centers 2,000 miles apart.
The Whitewashing of King’s Assassination
The death of Martin Luther King Jr. wasn’t a galvanizing event, but the premature end of a movement that had only just begun.
Kept out: How banks block people of color from homeownership
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Fifty years after the federal Fair Housing Act banned racial discrimination in lending, African Americans and Latinos continue to be routinely denied conventional mortgage loans at rates far higher than their white counterparts.
This modern-day redlining persisted in 61 metro areas even when controlling for applicants’ income, loan amount and neighborhood, according to millions of Home Mortgage Disclosure Act records analyzed by Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting.
Feb. 15, 2018
WTF? Heartless NRA Member Uses ‘Grieving Black Mothers’ To Excuse The Use Of Weapons Of War
Dana Loesch continues her vile comments.
Written By Parker Riley
Posted February 22, 2018
The NRA is going ballistic now that young people like Emma Gonzalez are fighting back against the pro-gun organization profiting from death. Last night, CNN conducted a town hall with people affected by gun violence in Parkland, Florida and these brilliant teenagers dragged them all over the stage.
The spineless Dana Loesch, the National Rifle Association’s spokeswoman, was taken to task for constantly using the excuse of the second amendment to condone American citizens having access to weapons of war. After the hot-lashing, she gave a speech today for the Conservative Political Action Conference and had the audacity to bring up Black women in Chicago. “Many in legacy media love mass shootings. You guys love it. Now I’m not saying that you love the tragedy. But I am saying that you love the ratings. Crying white mothers are ratings gold to you and many in the legacy media in the back (of the room).” She continued, “And notice I said ‘crying white mothers’ because there are thousands of grieving Black mothers in Chicago every weekend, and you don’t see town halls for them, do you?” Loesch asked. “Where’s the CNN town hall for Chicago? Where’s the CNN town hall for sanctuary cities?”
Ryan Devereaux
February 22 2018, 12:56 p.m.
THE LEAD U.S. AGENCY tasked with granting citizenship to would-be Americans is making a major change to its mission statement, removing a passage that describes the United States as a nation of immigrants. In an email sent to staff members Thursday and shared with The Intercept, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Director L. Francis Cissna announced the agency’s new mission statement.
It reads:
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services administers the nation’s lawful immigration system, safeguarding its integrity and promise by efficiently and fairly adjudicating requests for immigration benefits while protecting Americans, securing the homeland, and honoring our values.
USCIS’s previous mission statement, still available on the agency’s website Thursday, read:
USCIS secures America’s promise as a nation of immigrants by providing accurate and useful information to our customers, granting immigration and citizenship benefits, promoting an awareness and understanding of citizenship, and ensuring the integrity of our immigration system.
The Number Of Black Folks Dying From Alcohol, Drugs And Suicide May SHOCK You
We must pay attention to this crisis.
Written By Clarissa Hamlin
Posted February 22, 2018
Black Americans have felt the brute force of discrimination in many areas, including and especially public health. Startling statistics on drug-related death rates among people of color have jolted us into a national panic in the past, and a new analysis by the Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) and Well Being Trust (WBT) may likely do the same thing in the present.
NYTimes: Thousands of Federal Inmates Are in the U.S. Illegally, Administration Says
In a report intended to bolster its case for more border security, the Trump administration said one in five inmates in federal prisons were foreign-born.
“The report proves one thing only: The administration will take any opportunity possible to twist facts to demonize immigrants,” said Tom Jawetz, the vice president for immigration policy at the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank. “The vast majority of immigrants in federal prison are there for crimes that only immigrants can be charged with — illegal entry and illegal entry after removal. When you cook the books you shouldn’t pretend to be surprised by the results.”
NYTimes: Justice Dept. Revokes 25 Legal Guidance Documents Dating to 1975
The Justice Department rescinded 25 guidance documents dating back decades after Attorney General Jeff Sessions said that such documents circumvented the regulatory rule-making process.
CNN: Sessions' 2017 agenda at DOJ reflects Trump's, despite rocky relationship
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is the Cabinet member who's borne the brunt of President Donald Trump's criticism over the past year. Blamed by the President as the origin of the special counsel's Russia probe, Sessions has been on the end of Twitter barbs and private dress-downs alike. The "beleaguered" attorney general — as the President has called him — even offered to resign after heated exchanges, sources told CNN in June. Read the full story
Uncle Ben Back at it again, and it's not rice...
Ben Carson Tries To Stop Obama-Era Rule On Housing | News One
Ben Carson Is Doing His Damnedest To Prevent Low-Income People From Getting Fair Housing
The NAACP is fighting back.
Ben Carson is the secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development and one of his missions has been to prevent low-income people from getting fair housing. Not very Christ-like of him, is it?
The former neurosurgeon announced in August that he was delaying an Obama-era rule that allowed low-income people to afford housing in areas with better schools. This was scheduled to go into effect on January 1, 2008, but, according to ThinkProgress, Carson wanted two years “to further evaluate it.” A federal judge shut Carson down on Saturday, the Obama-era rule will start on January 1. Luckily, we have the NAACP to thank, see below:
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"trumped hating America for his boys club rejection, in addition to his greed, are the sources of his revenge that ties the knot with russia. We got trumped like never before and it’s going to turn it’s ugly face inside out to be seen around the world."
An ancient forest in Alaska loses environmental protections
The Tongass National Forest, the world’s largest intact temperate rainforest, sustains Indigenous communities. A rollback of federal protections puts more than half of it at risk.
Read in National Geographic: https://apple.news/AZHs0VgsDRyyeDkjSco0G2g
More Than 9 Million People Voted Early In Texas. For One Day In Its Biggest County, They Voted All Night.
Millions have voted in Texas’s first competitive presidential race in decades. When some polls stayed open for 24 hours this week, the voters kept coming.
Read in BuzzFeed News: https://apple.news/A0Xv4z5mhTLm2maf_faF8GQ
"The Police posted a picture of an officer holding the toddler, claiming and posting of their website, an outright LIE that he had been found wandering alone amongst the protesters. The TRUTH was that this baby boy, toddler was taken from a police car in his car seat that still had shattered glass from his car being unwarranted smashed haphazardly by police."
Mom Dragged From SUV, Beaten By Officers With Toddler In Back Seat Filing Suit
Lawyers for Rickia Young, 28, and her son said she was battered, separated from the child for hours, and kept in handcuffs while being treated at a hospital. No charges have been filed against her.
“The early start of the institutionalized race card marginalizing African Americans from the onset of pre-school and are basically etched in stone by the 3rd to 4th grades.”
America's gifted education programs have a race problem. Can it be fixed?
White children and those from wealthy families are more likely to be identified as "gifted" — despite decades of effort to make these programs more equal.
Read in NBC News: https://apple.news/AfRbm2RC6QA2wau3q6MajaA
"This case needs to be followed."
A Man Allegedly Fractured A Black Teen's Jaw With A Bike Lock And Said "Black Lives Don't Matter"
Lee James Mouat, 42, faces a federal hate crime charge.
Read in BuzzFeed News: https://apple.news/A3sbAJZtHRkyQdeUFv3KXnQ
“Both of them are GREAT and so much needed!”
LeBron James, Michelle Obama team up on voting initiative
Michelle Obama's When We All Vote and LeBron James' More Than A Vote are teaming to provide information, transportation, food, music, personal protective equipment and other support at early voting sites around the country Oct. 18-31.
Read in ESPN: https://apple.news/ApFBSRLtdQG6hSyj3806hIQ
Man Who Dismissed COVID-19 Tells Of His Guilt After 14 Relatives Got Sick
“The feeling that I have is kind of like what a drunk driver would have if they killed their family,” Tony Green said after hosting an event that led to multiple infections.
Read in HuffPost: https://apple.news/AEmB3a4SuQ22BrdWWQ_hGrw
Under Trump, Worker Protections Are Viewed With New Skepticism
There’s a relaxation in the approach to occupational safety and business is getting a bigger voice, while hard-won victories for safety advocates are being reversed.
Obama Builds Environmental Legacy With 1970 Law
Leaning on the Clean Air Act, President Obama has reshaped environmental policy more than any previous occupant of the White House.

Trump Suggests Funds for Black Colleges Are Unconstitutional
Trump Seems to Question Constitutionality of Federal Funding for Black Colleges
By Chas Danner